CAL BIBLIOGRAPHY SELECTIONS FOR General Topics: Aramaic Language

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CAL Bibliography for LangGen


Kautzsch, E. and Brown, C.R., "The Aramaic Language." Hebraica 1 (1884): 98–115. LangGen

McCurdy, J.F., "Aram, Arameans, and the Aramaic Language." Pp. 254–57 In The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. , New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1908. Arameans LangGen

Chabot, J.-B., , Les langues et les littératures araméennes. Paris: Geuthner, 1910. LangGen Literature

Wesedonk, O.G. von, "àœber die Verwendung des Aramäischen im Achaemenidenreich." Litterae orientales 49 (Jan.) (1932): 1–10. LangGen

Messina, G., "L'antico arameo." Pp. 69–103 In Miscellanea Biblica. , Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1934. BADan LangGen

Ginsberg, H.L., "Aramaic Dialect Problems. II." AJSL 52 (1935-36): 95–103. LangGen Sam'al

Rosenthal, Franz, Die aramäistische Forschung seit Th. Nöldeke's Veröffentlichungen. . Leiden: Brill, 1939. LangGen Sam'al AssOstr Zak Asok.2 UrukInc TADB1.1 TorqDock Arameans Bibliog

Ginsberg, H.L., "Aramaic Studies Today." JAOS 62 (1942): 229–38. LangGen Sam'al TADB1.1

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "Review of Die aramaistische Forschung seit Th. Nöldekes Veröffentlichungen, by F. Rosenthal." Kiryat Sepher 19 (1942-43): 177–81. LangGen

Rosenthal, Franz, "Aramaic Literataure." Pp. 1:48–56 In Encyclopedia of Literature. , New York: The Philosophical Library, 1946. LangGen

Bowman, R.A., "Arameans, Aramaic, and the Bible." JNES 7 (1948): 65–90. LangGen Pan Zak ElathOst Araq Had

Galling, K., "Review of Die Kleinfunde von Sendschirli, by F. von Luschan." BO 5 (1948): 115–20. LangGen

Audet, J.-P., "A Hebrew-Aramaic List of Books of the Old Testament in Greek Transcription." JTS n.s. 1 (1950): 135–54. BADan LangGen

Brockelmann, Carl, "Das Aramäische, einschliesslich des Syrischen." Pp. 135–62 In Semitistik. , Leiden: Brill, 1954. LangGen Pan Had

Rosenthal, Franz, "Aram, Arameans, and the Aramaic Language." Pp. 64–65 In Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. , Grand Rapids, Mich: Baker, 1955a. LangGen

Moscati, S., "Sulla posizione linguistica del semitico nord-occidentale." RSO 31 (1956a): 229–34. LangGen Pan Had

Moscati, S., "Il Semitico di Nord-Ovest." Pp. 202–21 In Studi orientalistici in onore di Giorgio Levi della Vida. , Rome: Istituto per l'Oriente, 1956b. LangGen Sam'al

Segert, S., "Aramäische Studien II: Zur Verbreitung des Aramäischen in Palästina zur Zeit Jesu." ArOr 25 (1957): 21–37. LangGen LangJesus

Stinespring, W.F., "History and Present State of Aramaic Studies." JBR 26 (1958): 298–303. LangGen

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "ארמית." EM 1 (1960): 584–93. LangGen

Beyer, K., Semitische Syntax im Neuen Testament. . Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1962. BA LangGen

Dí­ez Macho, A., "Palestina, Arameo en," in , Enciclopedia de la Biblia. Barcelona: Garriga, 1963-1965. Pp. 811–18. LangGen

Stiehl, Ruth, "Aramäisch als Weltsprache." Pp. 69–85 In Neue Beiträge zur Geschichte der Alten Welt. II. internationale Tagung der Fachgruppe Alte Geschichte der Deutschen Historiker-Gesellschaft vom 4. bis 8. September 1962 in Straslund. Welskopf, Elisabeth Charlotte, ed. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1964. LangGen

Dí­ez Macho, A., "Persia, Inscripciones arameas de." Pp. 1057–61 In EncBib. , : , 1965. TADA6 LangGen

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "Contemporary Studies in North-Western Semitic [Review article: Il semitico di nord-ovest, by G. Garbini]." JSS 10 (1965): 21–51. LangGen Nerab Stelae AshdodOstr

Segert, S., "Ugaritisch und Aramäisch." Pp. 215–26 In Studia Semitica philologica necnon philosophica Ioanni Bakoš terquinque lustra complectenti dicata. Segert, S., ed. Bratislava: VSAV, 1965. LangGen

Greenfield, Jonas C., "קווים דיאלקטיים בארמית הקדומה." Leshonenu 32 (1967-1968): 359–68. LangGen Sf.1 Sf.2 Sf.3 Had )nky R gm c )p c hrg V mwdd N gbwl N mnh N $m N nb$#3 N qtl V )x N

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "Arameans; Aramaic Language, Ancient." Pp. 735–37 In New Catholic Encyclopedia. McDonald, W.J., et al., ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967a. Arameans LangGen

Ginsberg, H.L., "The Northwest Semitic Languages." Pp. 102–24 In World History of the Jewish People, vol. II: Patriarchs. Mazar, B., ed. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1970. LangGen

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "The Genesis Apocryphon of Qumran Cave I." Or 39 (1970): 178–83. 1QapGen LangGen

Macuch, Rudolf, "Gesprochenes Aramäisch und aramäische Schriftsprache." Pp. 537–57 In Christentum am Roten Meer. Altheim, F. and Stiehl, Ruth, ed. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 1971. LangGen

Garbini, G., Le Lingue semitiche: Studi di storia linguistica. Ricerche, Pubblicazioni del seminario di semitistica 9. Naples: Istituto Orientale di Napoli, 1972. LangGen

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Standard Literary Aramaic." Pp. 280–89 In Actes du premier congrès international de linguistique sémitique et chamito-sémitique. Caquot, André and Cohen, D., ed. The Hague: Mouton, 1974a. LangGen JLA Sf.1 Sf.2 Sf.3

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Aramaic." Pp. 39–44 In The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, Supplementary Volume. , Nashville: Abingdon, 1976b. LangGen

Beyer, K., "Der Ausfall der drucklosen kurzen Vokale in offener Silbe und die Trennung silbenanlautender Doppelkonsonanz." Pp. 649–53 In XIX. Deutscher Orientalistentag vom 28. September bis 4. Oktober 1975 in Freiburg im Breisgau. Voigt, W., ed. Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1977. LangGen

Nordio, M., "Strumenti della didattica del neo-aramaico presso gli "Assiri" di Persia." AION 37 (1977): 441–453. LangGen Grammar ModAram

Coxon, Peter W., "The Syntax of the Aramaic of Daniel: A Dialectical Study." HUCA 48 (1977b): 107–22. LangGen BADan 1QapGen 11QtgJob

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Aramaic and Its Dialects." Pp. 29–43 In Jewish Languages: Theme and Variations. Paper, H.H., ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Association for Jewish Studies, 1978b. LangGen

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., A Wandering Aramean: Collected Aramaic Essays. SBL Monograph Series 25. Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press, 1979. LangGen

Grelot, Pierre, "Qumrân: B. Culture et langues, II. Araméen," in , DBSup. : , 1979. Pp. 801–05. LangGen

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Phases of the Aramaic Language." Pp. 57–84 In A Wandering Aramean: Collected Aramaic Essays. , Missoula, MT: Scholars, 1979a. LangGen

Fellman, J., "Sociolinguistic Notes on the History of Aramaic." JNSL 8 (1980): 15–16. LangGen

Le Déaut, Roger, "Review of A Wandering Aramean: Collected Aramaic Essays, by J. A. Fitzmyer." Or 50 (1981): 222–25. LangGen

Rundgren, F., "Aramaica IV: The Renaissance of Imperial Aramaic." OS 30 (1981): 173–84. LangGen BAEzra

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Aramaic Studies and the Bible." Pp. 110–30 In Congress Volume Vienna 1980. Emerton, John Adney, ed. Leiden: Brill, 1981a. LangGen Fakhariyah Sf Zak TADA2.1 Elephantine TADA6

Greenfield, Jonas C., "הלשון הארמית בתקופה הפרסית." Pp. 224–28 In שיבת ציון – ימי שלטון פרס. Tadmor, H. et al. , ed. Jerusalem: Alexander Peli, 1983a. LangGen

Beyer, K., , Die aramäischen Texte vom Toten Meer samt den Inschriften aus Palästina, dem Testament Levis aus der Kairoer Genisa, der Fastenrolle und den alten talmudischen Zitaten. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1984. LangGen Collections 1QapGen 4QVisJacob 4Q537 4QapJudah 4Q538 4QapJoseph 4Q539 CTLevi 4QLevi 4QVisAmram 4QPrNab 4QEnoch Qumran Giants

Block, D.I., "The Role of Language in Ancient Israelite Perceptions of National Identity." JBL 103 (1984): 321–40. LangGen

Caquot, André, "Hébreu et araméen." Pp. 603–22 In Annuaire du collège de France 1983-84. , Paris: Collège de France, 1984. LangGen

Levy, B.B., "Review of Arameans, Aramaic and the Aramaic Literary Tradition, ed. M. Sokoloff." JQR 75 (1984): 95–7. Arameans LangGen

Naveh, Joseph and Greenfield, Jonas C., "Hebrew and Aramaic in the Persian Period." Pp. 115–29 In The Cambridge History of Judaism. Davies, W.D.Finkelstein, L., ed. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1984. LangGen

Vattioni, F., "L'aramaico è attestato a Ebla?." Pp. 257–66 In Il bilinguismo a Ebla. Cagni, Luigi, ed. Naples: Istituto universitario orientale, 1984. Influences LangGen

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, "El arameo, lengua viva." Patio de letras-La rosa als llavis 6 (1984a): 91–102. LangGen

Fronzaroli, P., "Le lingue della Siria antica: Dall'eblaita all'aramaico." Pp. 56–61 In Da Ebla a Damasco: Diecimila anni di archeologia in Siria. Garroni, G.Parcu, E., ed. Milan: Electa, 1985. LangGen

Marblestone, H., "Syrus in Tiberim defluxit Orontes." Mnemosyne 38 (1985): 156–58. LangGen

Spolsky, B., "Jewish Multilingualism in the First Century: An Essay in Historical Sociolinguistics." Pp. 35–50 In Readings in the Sociology of Jewish Languages. Fishman, J.A., ed. Leiden: Brill, 1985. LangGen

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Aramaic in the Achaemenian Empire." Pp. 698–713 In The Cambridge History of Iran. , Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1985b. LangGen

Beyer, K. and Healey, John F., The Aramaic Language: Its Distribution and Subdivisions. . Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1986. LangGen History

Lipinski, Edward, "Aram, Araméens; Araméen; Damas." Pp. 125–29, 323-25 In Dictionnaire encyclopédique de la Bible. , Turnhourt: Brepols, 1987. LangGen Arameans

Voigt, R., "The Classification of Central Semitic." JSS 32 (1987): 1–21. LangGen

Garbini, G., , Il Semitico nordoccidentale: Studi di storia linguistica, . Rome: Università  degli Studi 'La Sapienza', 1988. Pp. . LangGen

Brock, Sebastian P., "Three Thousand Years of Aramaic Literature." Aram 1 (1989): 11–23. LangGen Bibliog

Millard, A.R., "Please Speak Aramaic." Buried History 25 (1989): 67–73. LangGen

Lipinski, Edward, "Géographie linguistique de la Transeuphratène à  l'époque achéménide." Transeuphratène 3 (1990): 95–107. LangGen

Lipinski, Edward, "Araméen d'Empire." Pp. 94–133 In La Pensée linguistique. Swiggers, P. and Wouters, A., ed. Leuven: Peeters, 1990a. LangGen

Briquel-Chatonnet, F., "Rôle de la langue et de l'écriture syriaques dans l'affirmation del'identité chrétienne au Proche-Orient," in Baurain, C., Bonnet, C. and Krings, V., ed., Phoinikeia Grammata: Lire et écrire en Méditerranée. Liège: Namur, Société des à‰tudes Classiques, 1991. Pp. 257–74. LangGen History

Fassberg, S.E., "ארמית," in Rabin, C., שפות שמיות. Jerusalem: Bialik, 1991. Pp. 78–104. LangGen

Hoberman, R.D., "Modern Aramaic and the Method of Comparative Reconstruction[Heb]." Massorot 5-6 (1991): 51–76. Grammar LangGen ModAram

Hoberman, R.D., "Aramaic," in Bright, W., International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Vol. 1, . Oxford: Oxford University, 1991. Pp. 98–102. LangGen

Morag, Shelomo, "Graded Isoglosses in East Aramaic," in Kaye, A.S., ed., Semitic Studies in Honor of Wolf Leslau on the Occasion of His Eighty-Fifth Birthday November 14th, 1991. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991. Pp. 1085–99. Mandaic JBA Syriac LangGen

Capelli, P., "L'Aramaico e L'ebraico tra il II e il III secolo secondo una fonte rabbinica e una cristiana." EVO 14-15 (1991-92): 159–62. LangGen

Brock, Sebastian P., Studies in Syriac Christianity: History, Literature and Theology. Collected Studies . Hampshire, UK: Variorum, 1992. LangGen

Muraoka, Takamitsu, Studies in Qumran Aramaic. Abr-NahrainSup . Louvain: Peeters, 1992. LangGen

Kaufman, Stephen A., "Languages (Aramaic)," in Freedman, D.N. and others, Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol. 4, . New York: Doubleday, 1992. Pp. 173–78. LangGen

Albert, M. and others, Christianismes orientaux: Introduction à  l'étude des langues et des littératures. Initiations au chrstianisme ancien . Paris: Cerf, 1993. LangGen

Garbini, G., Aramaica. Studi semitici . Rome: Università  degli Studi "La Sapienza", 1993. LangGen

Chiesa, B., "Strumenti e studi di linguistica e lessicografia ebraica e semitica." Henoch 16 (1994): 95–126. LangGen

Kaufman, Stephen A., "Dating the Language of the Palestinian Targums and their Use in the Study of the First Century CE Texts," in McNamara, M. and Beattie, D.R. G., The Aramaic Bible, . Sheffield: JSOT, 1994. Pp. 118–141. Qumran 4QTobit ar Tobit LangGen Targums

Tsereteli, Konstantin, "Aramaic Language in Georgia," in , The Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, June 22-29, 1993: Division D. Jerusalem: Magnes, 1994. Pp. 9–16. LangGen

Glessmer, U., Einleitung in die Targume zum Pentateuch. Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum 48 . Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1995. LangGen TgO GT Tg.Neofiti FragmentTargum TgPsJ

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Aramaic and the Jews," in Geller, Mark J. and others, ed., Studia Aramaica: New Sources and New Approaches: Papers Delivered at the London Conference of the Institute of Jewish Studies, University College, London, 26th-28th June 1991, JSSSup . Oxford: Oxford Univ. for Univ. of Manchester, 1995. Pp. 1–18. LangGen 1QapGen

Huehnergard, J., "What is Aramaic?." Aram 7 (1995): 261–82. LangGen

Tal, Abraham, "Hebrew-Aramaic Relationships in Western Aramaic--Some Observations," in Crown, A.D. and Davey, L., ed., New Samaritan Studies of the Société d'Etudes Samaritaines III & IV: Essays in Honour of G. D. SIxdenier, Studies in Judaica . Sydney: Mandelbaum Publishing, 1995. Pp. 587–99. Grammar LangGen

Tal, Abraham, "Languages in Contact: Hebrew and Aramaic in the Ancient Samaritan Community," in Crown, A.D. and Davey, L., ed., New Samaritan Studies of the Société d'études samaritaines III & IV, Studies in Judaica . Sydney: Mandelbaum Publishing, 1995. Pp. 577–86. LangGen Interf

Kaufman, Stephen A., "Semitics: Directions and Re-Directions," in Schartz, J.S. and Schwartz, G.M., The Study of the Ancient Near East in the Twnety-First Century: The William Foxwell Albright Centennial Conference, . Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1996. Pp. 276–82. LangGen

Lange, N. de, "The Revival of the Hebrew Language in the Third Century CE." JSQ 3 (1996): 342–58. LangGen

Puech, E., "Du bilinguisme à  Qumran?," in Briquel-Chatonnet, F., ed., Mosäique de langues, mosäique culturelle: Le bilinguisme dans le Proche-Orient ancien, Antiquités sémitiques . Paris: Maisonneuve, 1996. Pp. 171–189. Qumran LangGen

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, "El arameo, lengua mediterrânea y espaà±ola," in Borrell, A. et al., ed., La Bíblia i el Mediterrani: Actes del Congrés de Barcelona, 18-22 de setembre de 1995, Scripta biblica . Montserrat: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 1997. Pp. 3–27. LangGen

Healey, John F., "Syriac," in Meyers, E.M., ed., The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East. New York: Oxford University, 1997. Pp. 145–46. LangGen

Kaufman, Stephen A., "Aramaic," in Hetzron, Robert, The Semitic Languages. New York: Routledge, 1997. Pp. 114–130. LangGen

Schattner-Rieser, Ursula, "À propos de l'araméen à  Qoumrân," in Laperrousaz, E.-M., ed., Qoumrân et les manuscrits de la Mer Morte: Un cinquantenaire. Paris: Les à‰ditions du Cerf, 1997. Pp. 175–204. LangGen 1QapGen 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Wise, M.O., "Palestinian Aramaic," in Meyers, E.M., ed., The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East. New York: Oxford University, 1997. Pp. 237–38. LangGen

Eph'al, I., "Changes in Palestine during the Persian Period in Light of Epigraphic Sources." IEJ 48 (1998): 106–119. LangGen

Schattner-Rieser, Ursula, "Note sur *ḍet la (non-)dissimilation des pharingales en araméen: à€ propos d'un chaînon manquant découvert à  Qumran," in Amphoux, C.-B. and others, ed., à‰tudes sémitiques et samaritaines offertes à  Jean Margain. Lausanne: Editions du Zèbre, 1998. Pp. 95–100. Qumran LangGen Grammar

Cook, Edward M., "The Aramaic of the Dead Sea Scrolls," in Flint, P.W. and VanderKam, James C., ed., The Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty Years: A Comprehensive Assessment. Leiden: Brill, 1998-1999. Pp. 359–78. LangGen

Cotton, H.M., "The Languages of the Legal and Administrative Documents from the Judean Desert." ZPE 125 (1999): 219–231. LangGen Mur XHevSe Nabataean

Mundhenk, N. and Bascom, B., "The Languages of the Bible." BT 50 (1999): 441–444. LangGen

Schaper, J., "Hebrew and Its Study in the Persian Period," in Horbury, W., ed., Hebrew Study from Ezra to Ben Yehuda. Edinburgh: Clark, 1999. Pp. 15–26. LangGen

Streett, M.J., "The Necessity of Hebrew in the Translation of an Orthodox Old Testament Canon." St.Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 43 (1999): 339–358. LangGen

Puech, E., "Sur la dissimilation de l'interdentale en Araméen qumrânien à  propos d'un chaînon manquant." RevQ 19 (1999-2000): 607–616. Qumran LangGen Grammar

Schattner-Rieser, Ursula, "Some Observations on Qumran Aramaic: The 3rd fem sing. Pronominal Suffix," in Marquis, G., ed., The Dead Sea Scrolls Fifty Years after Their Discovery: Proceedings of the Jerusalem Congress, July 20-25, 1997. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society and the Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000. Pp. 739–745. Qumran Aram LangGen Pronoun

Sokoloff, Michael, "Qumran Aramaic in Relation to the Aramaic Dialects," in Marquis, G., ed., The Dead Sea Scrolls Fifty Years after Their Discovery: Proceedings of the Jerusalem Congress, July 20-25, 1997. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society and the Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000. Pp. 746–754. LangGen Qumran

Hoyland, R., "Language and Identity: The Twin Histories of Arabic and Aramaic." Scripta Classica Israelica 23 (2004): 183–99. LangGen

Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Linguistics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta. Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. LangGen Peshitta Computing

Borbone, P.G., "Reponse to 'A Discourse on Method' by Hendrik Jan Bosman and Constantijn J. Sikkel," in Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Linguistics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. Pp. 115–117. LangGen Peshitta Computing

Bosman, H.J. and Sikkel, Constantijn J., "A Discourse on Method: Basic Parameters of Computer-Assisted Linguistics on Word Level," in Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Linguistics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. Pp. 85–113. LangGen Peshitta Computing

Bosman, H.J. and Sikkel, Constantijn J., "Response to Pier G. Borbone," in Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Linguistics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. Pp. 119–121. LangGen Peshitta Computing

Bosman, H.J. and Sikkel, Constantijn J., "Response to A. Dean Forbes," in Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Linguistics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. Pp. 129–132. LangGen Peshitta Computing

Dyk, J.W., "Data Preparation: What are we Doing and Why Should we?," in Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Linguistics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. Pp. 133–154. LangGen Peshitta Computing

Forbes, A.D., "On not Putting Descartes before D. Hume: Balancing Rationalism and Empiricism in Corpus Tagging. Comments on 'A Discourse on Method' by Hendrik Jan Bosma," in Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Linguistics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. Pp. 123–128. LangGen Peshitta Computing

Goldenberg, Gideon, "Comments on "Three Approaches to the Tripartite Nominal Clause in Syriac" by Wido van Peursen," in Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Linguistics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. Pp. 175–184. LangGen Peshitta

Gzella, H., "Das Aramäische in den römischen Ostprovinzen: Sprachsituationen in Arabien, Syrien and Mesopotamien zur Kaiserzeit." BiOr 63 (2006): 15–39. LangGen History

Jenner, K.D., Peursen, W.Th. van and Talstra, E., "An Interdisciplinary Debate between Textual Criticism, Textual History and Computer-assisted Linguistic Analysis," in Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Lingusitics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. Pp. 13–44. LangGen Peshitta Computing

Joosten, Jan, "Comments on "Three Approaches to the Tripartite Nominal Clause in Syriac" by Wido van Peursen," in Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Linguistics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. Pp. 185–188. LangGen Peshitta

Khan, G.A., "Response to "Data Preparation: What are we Doing and Why Should we?" by Janet W. Dyk," in Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Linguistics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. Pp. 155–156. LangGen Peshitta Computing

Muraoka, Takamitsu, "A Response to "Three Approaches to the Tripartite Nominal Clause in Syriac" by Wido van Peursen and a Bit More," in Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Linguistics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. Pp. 189–196. LangGen Peshitta

Peursen, W.Th. van, "Three Approaches to the Tripartite Nominal Clause in Syriac," in Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Linguistics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. Pp. 157–173. LangGen Peshitta

Talstra, E., Jenner, K.D. and Peursen, W.Th. van, "How to Transfer the Research Questions into Linguistic Data Types and Analytical Instruments?," in Keulen, P.S.F. van and Peursen, W.Th. van, Corpus Linguistics and Textual History: A Computer-Assisted Interdisciplinary Approach to the Peshitta, Studia Semitica Neerlandica 48. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2006. Pp. 45–83. LangGen Peshitta Computing

Joosten, Jan, "Eléments d'araméen occidental dans la version suyriaque de Ben Sira," in Maman, A. and Fassberg, S.E. and et al., שערי לשון: מחקרים בלשון העברית, בארמית ובלשונות . Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 2007. Pp. 2:*42–*55. LangGen Syriac xkm V (bq V xsyk A dqyqh N r(y V nxm V qwbll N lxdh X

Shepherd, M.B., The Verbal System of Biblical Aramaic: A Distributional Approach. . New York: Peter Lang, 2008. BADan BAEzra LangGen

Li, Tarsee, "Non-Active Participles in the Aramaic of Daniel." ArSt 6 (2008): 111-136. BADan Grammar LangGen

Loesov, S., "Арамейские языки," in , Языки мира: Семитские языки. I. Аккадский язык. Северозападносемитские языки [Languages of the World: Semitic languages. Vol. 1, Akkadian and North West Semitic [Aramaic Languages] . Moscow: Academia, 2009. Pp. 414-96. LangGen

Papaconstantinou, A., "Why Did Coptic Fail where Aramaic Succeeded? Linguistic Developments in Egypt and the Near East After the Arab Conquest," in Mullen, A.//James. P., Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds. Cambridge: Cambridge Un.Pr., 2012. Pp. 58-76. LangGen

Gzella, H., "Language and Script," in Niehr, H., The Aramaeans in Ancient Syria, . Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014. Pp. 71-108. LangGen Orthography OldAram

Koller, A., Oxford Bibliographies: Your Best Research Starts Here: Aramaic. ONLINE AT: and available as pdf from . Oxford: , 2017. LangGen Bibliog

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